HTML Drawing Control

Locate assets in a drawing

Call Drawing.DrawingControl.findAssets(ids, options) to locate one or multiple assets in the drawing.

The search can be performed across different layers of assets, as long as the layer and asset is visible. You also have the ability to locate assets while displaying highlights. If you search for a different asset, the previously searched asset should retain its original highlight, if one exists.

Method parameters Description
ids Array – asset IDs, e.g. [‘0001’, ‘0018’, ‘0109’, ‘0856’, ‘0007’, ‘0006’]. Since IDs are being passed, the search can be performed across different layers of assets, as long as the layer and asset is visible.


Map of additional properties
  • cssClass - specifies a custom css class to control how assets are highlighted. The default value is zoomed-asset-default. However, you can choose to specify only a border (and allow highlights to show through), a custom color, or both a border and custom color, etc. Any valid css style will work
  • removeStyle-- can be used in conjunction with the cssClass property to temporarily remove the original highlight color/fill. This allows you to specify a custom color for the located asset. The original highlight will reappear if you locate a different asset, preserving the highlighted information.
  • zoomFactor -- controls the depth in which to zoom in to a found asset

Sample view:

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