HTML Drawing Control

Provide an asset and background layer selector

The Asset and Background Layer Selector provides a user-friendly interface for asset and background layers selection. It is an optional add-on that you can specify in addOnsConfig parameter before you load HTML drawing control.

var parameters = new Ab.view.ConfigObject(); parameters['addOnsConfig'] = { 'LayersPopup': {divId: "svgDiv", layers: "rm$;rm$TXT;eq-assets;eq-labels;jk-assets;jk-labels;background", defaultLayers: "rm$;rm$TXT;eq-assets;jk-assets", customEvent: onCheckBoxChanged} };


divId Required. Drawing control's container div id.  
 layers Optional. Specify the layers to display in the popup. If empty or not specified, all published layers in SVG drawing will show.  
defaultLayers Optional. Specify the checked layers after loading, which is a subset of layers.  If defaultLayers is empty or not specified, all layers specified in layers parameter will turn on.  
customEvent Optional. Define custom event when users check/uncheck individual layer's checkbox.  

There are several layer sub-groups in LayerPopup:

All layers are sorted within each individual layer's sub-groups (such as asset/labels, backgrounds etc.)

Other layers and background layers are placed below asset/label layers with a horizontal separator bar. Cluster/Marker/Markup/Redlines layers are placed ahead of background layers.

The layer names displayed on the LayersPopup window are automatically set from the afm_layrs table, like using the title field or title_<language> for different languages. If values are not present in afm_layrs table, the publish titles will be displayed.

Both layers and defaultLayers support layer names from the published SVG (such as rm-assets, rm-labels), as well as the layer names from the afm_layrs table (such as RM$, RMM$TXT). You can also specify the background group, which will display all individual background layers.

When the view contains Highlight/Label Selector, when the user switches between different highlight datasources, the system highlights the assets that are of the same asset type that are related to fields of the datasource. For layers that are not related with any datasource fields defined in highlight/label datasource, the user can still check or uncheck them.

The example view below shows the asset layer popup, and how to define custom events when users check and uncheck the layer.

Example View: http://localhost:8080/archibus/schema/ab-products/solutions/programming/drawing/ab-ex-dwg-html-control-showlayers-customevents.axvw

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