Use highlight and label data sources with the Flash drawing control

Technologies > User Interface Add-Ins > Flash Drawing Views > Highlight Drawing and Show Room List

Note: With the release of ARCHIBUS V.23.2, all ARCHIBUS views were converted to use the HTML drawing control instead of the Flash drawing control. If you have previously created views that use the Flash drawing control, the view's drawings will still work.

For new views that you create, ARCHIBUS, Inc. recommends using the HTML control, as the Flash control is slated for desupport in future versions of ARCHIBUS. For information on converting existing views with Flash drawings to HTML format, see Convert views with the Flash drawing control to the HTML drawing control.

The highlight data source determines which assets are highlighted in a drawing. The following data source highlights vacant rooms:

<!-- Vacant Rooms -->
<dataSource id="highlightVacantRoomsDs" type="DrawingControlHighlight">
     <table name="rm" role="main"/>
     <field table="rm" name = "bl_id"/>
     <field table="rm" name = "fl_id"/>
     <field table="rm" name = "rm_id"/>
     <field table="rm" name = "count_em" legendKey="true"/>
     <restriction type="parsed">
         <clause relop="AND" op="=" value="0" name="count_em" table="rm"/>

If no hpattern_acad field is defined in the highlight data source, as in the example above, highlight colors will be generated on the fly.

The labels data source determines the text labels. The following data source specifies that the room id, type and area be displayed for each room in the drawing.

<dataSource id="labelDetailsDs" type="DrawingControlLabels">
    <table name = "rm" role="main"/>
    <field name = "bl_id" hidden="true"/>
    <field name = "fl_id" hidden="true"/>
    <field name = "rm_id"/>
    <field name = "rm_type"/>
    <field name = "area"/>

The highlight and label data sources are assigned in the panel definition:

<panel type=”drawing” id=”drawingControlId”

Commonly-used highlight and label data sources may be accessed by including the following axvw files:

<!-- Include the standard list of Highlighting datasources -->
<panel type="view" id="highlightStylesView" file="ab-datasource-highlights.axvw"/>

<!-- Include a list of commonly used label styles -->
<panel type="view" id="labelStylesView" file="ab-datasource-labels.axvw"/>

View: http://localhost:8080/archibus/schema/ab-products/solutions/drawing-flash/ab-rm-detail-drawing.axvw


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