UNALLOC (Unallocated) building

When generating a portfolio scenario, the system automatically creates the UNALLOC (Unallocated) building with five floors, each with 2500 feet. This is a virtual building whose purpose is to hold organizational groups that are not yet associated with any building or floor.

The Unallocated building stores the stack elements that are initially imported from space requirements and space forecasts. From the Unallocated building, you can drag the allocations to the stack plans of the buildings in your portfolio scenario.

When using stack plans to experiment with space allocations, you can drag an allocation from one building's stack plan to the stack plan for the Unallocated building and use this as a holding place for the allocation before allocating it to a floor. That is to say, you can drag and drop allocations from a real building to the Unallocated Building, and then drag them back to a real building at a later time.

If you are working with a reduction space requirement or forecast, the system places the reduction allocations in negatively-numbered floors on the UNALLOC stack plan, such as floor -01.

You can hide the UNALLOC building from the list of buildings, but you cannot delete it.

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