Real Estate Portfolio Management / Strategic Financial Analysis / Financial Analysis (SC) - Smart Client

Strategic Financial Analysis: Smart Client Tasks

You can use the Smart Client's Background Data tasks to create the inventory listing of buildings, properties, capital projects and capital equipment items for which you want to analyze costs using the Strategic Financial Analysis application. The CAD specialist can draw buildings on a site plan, and the add-in manager can personalize the Financial Analysis Console.

Background Data for Financial Analysis

From the Smart Client, you can add the following information if you have not added it as part of another ARCHIBUS application.

CAD Specialist

The CAD specialist can use the following task:

Customizing the Financial Analysis Console: Add-in Manager Tasks

The application comes with predefined analysis metrics, financial analyses, capital expense matrix, and Strategic Financial Analysis (SFA) application parameters. If needed, an add-in manager can personalize these elements of the Financial Analysis Console using the following tasks:


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