
Some ARCHIBUS views, such as the Space & Portfolio Planning Console, provide features for marking up floor plan drawings and images with:

For example, on an image of an aerial view of a map, you may wish to visually show proposed changes by circling a potential building to purchase, making notations, and including a legend of the highlight colors. (Note that in the below image, the user highlighted the buildings before capturing the image; with the markup feature, you can highlight only rooms on floor plans.)

Markups are associated with a project's action items. The markup is added to the Document 4 document field of the associated Action Item record (the activity_log table). The system saves the mark-up information in the ARCHIBUS Redlines table (afm_redlines).

The ability to mark up an image or drawing is available with views that use the HTML5 drawing control; views that use the Flash drawing control use their own Flash-based redlining tools, which operates slightly differently and do not include highlighting.

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