Space Planning & Management / Strategic Space Planning / Space Planner / Space & Portfolio Planning Console
Real Estate Portfolio Management / Advanced Portfolio Forecasting / Advanced Portfolio Forecasting / Space & Portfolio Planning Console

Portfolio Scenarios and Areas

Both the Space domain's Strategic Space Planning application and the Lease domain's Advanced Portfolio Forecasting application provide tasks for accessing the Space & Portfolio Planning Console.

The Space & Portfolio Planning Console can work with areas values derived from several sources:

Suite Area

Available floor area can be based on suites for leased spaces. If a floor has a suite associated with it, it is assumed to be leased space available for the duration of the lease.

If you have leased areas, when you use the Console's Add Buildings/Floors From Inventory action, the available space is determined by the sum of the suites for the floor.

Note that when working with suites, you can check lease expirations by reviewing the Allocation Events tab, which will have a section for Lease Information.

Room Area

If you have a room inventory or a room list developed in CAD, these areas are imported into the scenario when you add the building. Allocations are created for organizational units based on the floors on which they are located .

The Space & Portfolio Planning Console uses the Usable Area (fl.area_usable) for a CAD inventory. If the rooms are not drawn in CAD, then the Floor Manual Area is used. Once these areas are imported into the scenario, they are referred to as allocations that you can adjust to reflect your space needs.

Group Inventory Area

You can also derive your areas from the Group Inventory method of the Space Inventory & Performance application.For information, see the Space Inventory & Performance / Group Inventory (Process Overview).

The group inventory you use can be based on either group Area (CAD-derived, gp.area field) or Manual Area (manually entered area for the group, gp.area_manual).

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