Grid Control 3.0

Actions and Selections

Use these features to control column actions and row selections in grids:

Column Actions

You can specify actions for specific columns. When you do so for a column that has a corresponding data source field, cells in that column display field values as hyperlinks. If the column has no corresponding data source field, cells in that column display a button. The column title is the button text.

When you click in an action, the control calls the action listener function.

Add-in Manager API

To specify an action listener for a column in JavaScript code:

var grid = View.createControl({ control: 'DataGrid', ... columns: [{ id: 'approve', title: 'Approve', listener: function(row, cell) { ... code ... } }, ... other columns ... ] });

Grid control passes these parameters to the listener function:

Parameter Name Parameter Type Comment
row Ab.grid.Row

Defined in ab-reportgrid.js:

The panel property of the Ab.grid.Row object should reference the DataGrid object.

Example view: http://localhost:8080/archibus/schema/ab-products/solutions/parts/grid/ab-ex-advanced-grid-categories.axvw

Single Row Selection

You can specify an event listener for single row selection. When you do so, users can click any cell in the row - except cells that have column actions - to trigger the event. When you click in the row, the control:

If you refresh, filter, or sort the grid, or navigate to a different page, the row is no longer selected. You must reselect the row to trigger another single-selection event.

Add-in Manager API

To specify an event listener for single row selection in JavaScript code:

var grid = View.createControl({ control: 'DataGrid', ... events: { onClickItem: function(row) { ... code ... } } });

The control passes the following parameter to the listener function:

Parameter Name Parameter Type
row Ab.grid.Row

Example view


Multiple Row Selection

You can specify an event listener for multiple row selection. When you enable multiple row selection, the grid displays check boxes for all rows. When users click any checkbox, the control selects or unselects the row. The control calls the listener function for all selected rows.

If you refresh, filter, or sort the grid, or navigate to a different page, the grid remembers previous selections, and displays checkmarks for selected rows.

Add-in Manager API

To specify an event listener for multiple row selection in JavaScript code:

var grid = View.createControl({ control: 'DataGrid', ... multipleSelectionEnabled: true, events: { onMultipleSelectionChange: function(row, selected) { ... code ... } } });

The control passes the following parameters to the listener function:

Parameter Name Parameter Type Comment
row Ab.grid.Row  
selected boolean True if the row is selected, false if the row is not selected.

Use these JavaScript API methods to work with multiple selection of rows in a grid:



Return value


Methods that handle multiple row selection on the current page



Array of Object

Returns all currently selected row data objects on the current page. Each object contains data values in this format:

{ 'wr.wr_id': value, 'wr.status': value, ... }



Array of objects

Returns data records for all currently selected rows on the current page.

Methods that handle multiple row selection across multiple pages



Array of Object

Returns all currently selected row data objects on all pages. Each object contains data values in this format:

{ 'wr.wr_id': value, 'wr.status': value, ... }



Array of objects

Returns data records for all currently selected rows on all pages.


selected: boolean


Selects or un-selects all rows on all pages. Triggers the onMultipleSelectionChange event for all rows. 




Un-selects all rows on all pages. Triggers the onMultipleSelectionChange event for all rows.




Clears all selections across all pages.

Example view: http://localhost:8080/archibus/schema/ab-products/solutions/parts/grid/ab-ex-advanced-grid-categories.axvw

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