Workplace Services / Service Desk / Service Contract Manager
Asset Management / Asset Portal / Equipment
Asset Management / Telecom Asset Management / Telecom Management

Define and Edit Service Contracts

The Service Contract Manager can define and modify service contracts -- the actual documents between the facility and the service provider and detail the particular relationship and responsibilities. Use the Service Contracts table to electronically store the details of these paper documents.

The Define Service Contracts task presents a drill-down page, with the left frame showing all defined Service Contracts and providing the possibility to add a new one. The right frame shows details on the selected contract or shows an empty form for adding a new service contract.

Service Contract Details

Service Contract Details consist of a unique Service Contract Code and a Service Contact, Service Contract Vendor and Service Contract Graphic. In addition you can specify the expiation date of the contract, enter a description, and upload a document (for example, an electronic copy of the actual signed contract).

Click the Save button to save the form data, or the Delete button to delete the currently shown service contract.

Note: After editing, click the Save button before selecting another Service Contract in the left frame or before adding a new service contract in the left frame. Otherwise, all modified form data will be lost.

Linking SLAs to a Service Contract

When defining an SLA and setting response procedures, the Service Desk Manager or Contract Manager can link all SLAs of a contract to that contract.

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