Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Background Data - Compliance

Define Program Categories and Types

Defining categories and types for your programs enables you to organize programs into a structure that fits your organization. Defining these categories and types enables users to search for and report on programs by their assigned category and type.

For example, you could define a program category of Permits and then add types of Federal, State, and Local to distinguish these three levels of permits that you monitor. Compliance Program managers can then associate these categories and types with the appropriate programs. When managing compliance programs, Compliance Program managers and Coordinators could then search for programs having these categories and types. You could also generate reports, such as the Compliance Program Count reports, to include only compliance programs having the Permit category.

You can also use program categories and program types to classify contracts. See Define Contracts.

To add a program category

  1. Select the Background Data - Compliance / Define Program Categories and Types task.
  2. From the Select Compliance Program Categories or Types pane, click Add New, and select Program Category from the submenu.
  3. In the Define Compliance Program Category pane, enter the following required information:

    Compliance Program Category Code: Enter the unique identifier for the program category, such as Permit to describe your permit programs.

  4. Enter the following optional information:

    Summary: Enter a brief description of this program category that helps identify it to users when they are selecting categories to associate with programs.

    Description: Enter a more detailed description of the program category.

To add a program type

  1. Select a Program Category from the list, click Add New, and select Program Type from the submenu.

    The Define Compliance Program Type panel shows the selected Program Category.

  2. Enter the following required information:

    Compliance Program Type Code: Enter the unique identifier for this type of program. For example, enter Local to describe your programs for local permits.

  3. Enter the following optional information:

    Summary:  Enter a brief description of this program type that helps Compliance Program Managers identify it when they are selecting types to associate with programs.

    Description: Enter a more detailed description of the program type.

  4. Click Save.