Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Background Data - Compliance

Defining Regulation Categories and Types

Defining categories and types for regulations enables you to organize regulations into a structure that fits your regulatory environment. When entering regulations, Compliance Program Managers can select from the categories and types you define. Using the report's Filter console, they can then generate reports for regulations, compliance programs, and requirements by the regulation's category and type. Additionally, they can generate the Regulation Count by Regulation Rank and Category report showing the number of regulations by rank having the categories you define.

To define regulation categories

  1. Select the Background Data - Compliance / Define Regulation Categories and Types task.
  2. In the Select Regulation Categories or Types pane, click Add New, and then select Regulation Category from the submenu.
  3. Enter the following required data:

    Regulation Category Code: Enter the unique identifier for this category of regulation. For example, enter Building Code to organize your compliance activity for the building codes, laws, and regulations which regulate the construction and renovation of facilities.

  4. Enter the following optional information:

    Summary: Enter a brief summary of the regulation category that helps users identify the category when they are selecting categories for regulations.

    Description: Enter a more detailed description of the regulation category.

  5. Click Save.

To define regulation types

  1. In the Select Regulation Categories and Types pane, select the regulation category.
  2. Click Add New, and then select Regulation Type from the submenu.

    The Define Regulation Type pane contains the Regulation Category selected.

  3. Enter the following required information:

    Regulation Type Code: Enter the unique identifier for this type. For example, enter Construction Permits for this type of Building Code.

  4. Enter the following optional information:

    Summary: Enter a brief description of the regulation category.

    Description: Enter a more detailed description of the regulation type.

  5. Click Save.