Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Background Data - Compliance

Defining Violation Types

To assess and mitigate risk and to evaluate compliance problems, Compliance Managers can track compliance violations by regulation, program, requirement, and location. You can define violation types to help locate and report on violations.

Compliance Managers can associate the violation types you define with violations to better track and analyze them. For example, the Compliance Violations operational report, and the Compliance Violations Map (management report) can be generated by Violation Type.

Examples of violation types are Documentation, Expired License, Expired Permit, Training, Building Code, Sewer Discharge, Hazardous Chemicals, Zoning, and Fire Code.

To define violation types:

  1. Select the Background Data - Compliance / Define Violation Types task.
  2. From the Select Violation Type panel, click Add New.
  3. Enter the following required information:

    Violation Type Code. enter the unique identifier for this type of violation.

  4. In the Define Violation Type pane, enter the following optional information:

    Summary: Enter a brief description of this violation type that helps identify it to users.

    Description: Enter a more detailed description of this violation type.

  5. Click Save.