Individual assets are equipment or furniture (either existing or potential) that you do not require in bulk and that you enter manually as individual assets when creating project requirements. They can also include assets that do not have an equipment or furniture standard. The application adds these records for any Equipment or Furniture records that are part of the selected buildings and floors but do not have an Equipment or Furniture Standard when the createBaselineInventory
workflow rule runs. This ensures that all assets are accounted for.
Individual assets (both furniture and equipment) are stored in the Individual Asset List table (eq_req_items.) This table works differently than the Space Budget Items (sb_items) table in that there are no Count and no Periods stored for assets in this table. All records in this table are considered required assets and not baseline, and to have a count of one,. The area and cost values come from an equipment or furniture standard, if the individual asset has one added for it. Otherwise, these values come from your manual entries.
See asset requirements and space requirements.
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