A functional group is an organization that resides on one floor and is typically smaller than a department. A functional group can be a subset of a department, such as an existing department that is split into two or more functional groups. However, functional groups can also include employees from multiple departments, such as a project team composed of workers from multiple departments, or components with a high affinity that need to be located together, such as an MRI machine, its diagnosticians, and the patient prep areas.
Functional groups are not stored in their own table; they are stored in the Space Budget Items (sb_items
) table (the table that holds your space requirement items) where they have a value for the Functional Group Title field. In order to define the functional group properties, such as specifying that this group is the second portion of the Accounting Department, you must explicitly edit the Functional Group Title field.
You create functional groups by:
Portfolio scenarios at the functional group level are automatically linked to space requirement items. You run the sync action to update the stack plan with changes that you make to the portfolio's space requirement items.
See also group area.
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