A detailed listing of space requirements for specified time periods that lists the required cost and area. This can be based on room area, count of room standards, or employee headcount (for space), or on equipment standards or manual entries (for asset requirements.) Space requirement items can be associated with business units, divisions, departments, and functional groups.
For example, you might have a space requirement that defines the space needs for next year based on employee count and summarized to the department level. For each department, the space requirement would have a space requirement item that details the required area, the cost, and the cost of moving and furnishing this space.
Spare requirement items are stored in the Space Budget Items table, and the area requirement is stored in the Baseline field. If the space requirement represents a forecast, you will store the forecasted areas in the Period 1 through 12 fields of the space requirement item (depending on how many forecast periods you have).
If the space requirement item represents a functional group, the record also includes a value for the Functional Group Title field.
See also space requirement.
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