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Concept: Groups Table and the Space & Portfolio Planning Console

The Groups table works behind the scenes in the Space & Portfolio Planning Console; it stores the allocations with which you experiment on stack plans This topic documents how the system generates records in the Groups table and the values for key fields.

To examine the Groups table:

Allocations are created in the Groups table when:

The sections below describe the various types of allocations stored in the Groups table, organized by Group Name.

Note: The Groups table is also used by the Space Inventory & Performance application to store departmental areas located on one floor. See Group Inventory Process.


When you start a portfolio scenario, the system creates Unallocated groups, with 2500 square feet assigned to each of five floors in the UNALLOC building. The system creates the UNALLOC virtual building whose purpose is to hold organizational groups that are not yet associated with any building or floor. When working with the stack plan, you can drag allocations that the system places on the UNALLOC stack plan to the stack plans for buildings in your inventory; you can also drag allocations from a floor's stack to the UNALLOC stack plan to use as a holding place; .

Field in GP Table Value
Allocation Type Usable Area Owned
Event Name Add Space from Inventory
Group Name Unallocated
Area Feet
defaults to 2500

Other Unavailable Space

When you Add New Space to a Scenario or Add Unavailable Area to the Stack Plan and specify that the space as unavailable, the system creates the Other Unavailable Area record in the Groups table.

Field in GP Table Value
Allocation Type Unavailable Area
Event Name value that you enter
Group Name Other Unavailable Space
Area Feet
value that you enter

Allocated Area

When you add space requirements to a portfolio scenario or add existing space to a portfolio scenario, the system runs the AbRPLMGroupSpaceAllocation-PortfolioForecastingService workflow rule to create the allocations for each organization in the inventory.

From the organizational unit (business unit, division, department, functional group) at which you specify space requirements, the system runs the workflow rule to create the corresponding allocations in the stack plan and colors them according to the AutoCAD Highlight Pattern field for the department. You can edit the generated color if you wish. See Edit an Allocation on a Stack Plan.

In the Groups table, the system creates the allocations and completes these key fields:

Field in GP Table Value
Allocation Type Allocated Area
Event Name Add space from inventory
Group Name This is the name of the business unit, division, department, or functional group represented by this allocation.
Area Feet
the sum of all areas for this organization on this floor

The system also creates Allocated Area records when you do the following on a stack plan:

Owned Floor

When you add space requirements to a portfolio scenario or add existing space to a portfolio scenario, the AbRPLMGroupSpaceAllocation-PortfolioForecastingService workflow rule creates the Owned Floor record if the building is owned. This reflects the amount of area available for allocations on the stack

The system creates Group records that represent Usable Area of floors that do not contain leases (that is, there area no records for that floor in the Suites table). The system sums the areas of the rooms where Super Category = Usable, and where the category space is used in calculations (rmcat.used in_calcs = ’all_totals’). The system does not rely on the value fl.area_usable because users might have made changes to the rooms since running the Update Area Totals workflow rule, and because fl.area_usuable includes Remaining Area.

Field in GP Table Value
Allocation Type Usable Area – Owned
Event Name Add space from inventory
Group Name Owned Floor
Area Feet

Sum (rm.area) where rmcat.supercat = ‘USBL’ and rmcat.used_in_calcs = ’all_totals’

Lease Information

It the building is leased, the workflow rules creates the Lease Information record.

Field in GP Table Value
Allocation Type Usable Area – Leased
Event Name Add space from inventory
Group Name Lease Information
Area Feet

If the Lease Area Method = Suite, then gp.area_manual = sum(su.area_usable) where su.bl_id = (building from input) and su.fl_id = (floor from input), group by su.ls_id, su.bl_id, su.fl_id.

If the Lease Area Method = Group, then gp.area_manual = sum(gp.area) where gp.bl_id = (building from input) and gp.fl_id = (floor from input) and gp.portfolio_scenario is null, group by gp.ls_id, gp.bl_id, gp.fl_id.

If the Lease Area Method = Room – Composite or Room – All Room, then sgp.area_manual = sum(rm.area) where rm.bl_id = (building from input) and rm.fl_id = (floor from input), group by rm.ls_id, rm.bl_id, rm.fl_id. Also join on RMCAT table where only count the rooms where rmcat.supercat = ‘USBL’ and rmcat.used_in_calcs = ’all_totals’.

To show the date span of the lease, the system completes the Start Date and End Date fields. The Start Date of the lease group cannot occur before the Portfolio Start Date (portfolio_scenario.date_start). If the lease has a start date that occurs before the Portfolio Start Date, then the lease group start date will be the same as the Portfolio Scenario Start Date. The lease start date can be later than the Portfolio Scenario Start Date.

Unavailable - Vertical Penetration Area

The workflow rule creates an allocation and corresponding stack element for each floor's vertical penetration.

Field in GP Table Value
Allocation Type Unavailable - Vertical Penetration Area
Event Name Add space from inventory
Group Name Unavailable - Vertical Penetration Area
Area Feet

Sum (rm.area) where rmcat.supercat = ‘VERT’

Unavailable - Service Area

The workflow rule creates an allocation and corresponding stack element for each floor's service area

Field in GP Table Value
Allocation Type Unavailable - Service Area
Event Name Add space from inventory
Group Name Unavailable - Service Area
Area Feet

Sum (rm.area) where rmcat.supercat = ‘SERV’

Unavailable - Remaining Area

Unavailable - Remaining Area represents the sum of a floor's Usable Rooms, Vertical Penetration, and Service Areas subtracted from Gross Area. It applies only for floors that are owned; this is not created for floors that contain leases. For more information, see Concept: Remaining Area and Usable Area Calculations

Field in GP Table Value
Allocation Type Unavailable - Remaining Area
Event Name Add space from inventory
Group Name Unavailable - Remaining Area
Area Feet

Internal Gross Area - sum of groups of allocation types “Usable Area – Owned”, “Usable Area – Leased”, “Unavailable – Vertical Penetration”, and “Unavailable – Service Area”


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