Workplace Services / Reservations

Integrating with Other ARCHIBUS Applications

The ARCHIBUS Reservations application has been designed so that it can be easily integrated with other ARCHIBUS applications.

Integrating work requests with reservations

If you want to further manage your work requests, you can integrate the Reservations application with the Building Operations applications, so that work requests for setup and cleanup tasks are generated for room reservations. If the Work RequestsOnly application parameter is set to 0 (No), then the application also creates a work order when creating the work requests. If you are using work requests only, see Using work requests only.

For each work request, a service request is created behind the scenes. The application generates Action Item (activity-log) records for the request, then it creates work requests, and then the work order.

The work requests created from Reservation can be tracked and managed in the Building Operations Console, or from the Maintenance Mobile App. You can also review work requests by trades using the from the Reservations / Manage Trade Work / Review Current Work by Trade task.

Work request and reservation status

The work request and reservation status are interrelated.

Editing reservations and work requests

Work requests' Description field includes the number of people who will be physically present

Work requests for room reservation setup and cleanup tasks can include the # of Attendees in Room (reserve_rm.attendees_in_room) field. This is the number expected to be physically present in the room, rather than the number of attendees, some of whom might be attending the meeting remotely. The # of Attendees in Room is shown in the work request Description field, so that the setup crew knows the actual number of people for whom they are preparing the space. For information on how to manage this field, see Capturing the number of employees physically present for a meeting.

Procedure: Generating setup and cleanup work requests for a reservation

Note: When generating work requests for setup and cleanup, the application ignores VPA restrictions, so that users can create setup and cleanup work requests in buildings to which they do not have VPA access.

The process for generating work requests from reservations includes the following steps:

  1. Generate setup and cleanup tasks for a reservation: You can have the application generate two work requests for a reservation - one for setup work and one for cleanup - by doing the following:
  2. Review the work. Tradespeople or reservations managers can review the status of work requests generated from reservations for trades and vendors using the Review Current Work by Trade task.
  3. Manage the work. Just as you would for any work request, you can manage the work using the Building Operations Console. See the next section, "How work requests generated from reservations are managed."

How work requests generated from reservations are managed

When the Reservations application creates work requests of problem types RES SETUP and RES CLEANUP, it does so utilizing standard On Demand Work methods for advancing statuses, attaching to SLAs, and creating corresponding work order and/or activity_log records. These work requests follow the same workflow as other requests generated from Building Operations.

You can create your own SLA to manage work requests created for reservations, but if you don't, the default SLA handles the work. This default SLA auto-approves the work, giving it the status of AA, and assigns it to a work order as soon as the request is created.

Using work requests only

When your deployment is set to not use work orders (WorkRequestsOnly application parameter is set to 1), work orders and the work request status of Assigned to Work Order are not shown to the user, but rather are used by the application to track and manage the work. When you select 1 (Yes) for WorkRequestsOnly, the system assigns work requests to work orders in the background, and all work requests have a one-to-one relationship with work orders. The system still uses the 'AA' status, and renames the display value for that status to 'Approved.' In this case, the 'A' status is skipped because all SLAs auto-assign work requests to work orders and go directly to the 'AA' status.

Equipment Management

The Reservations application can be integrated with the Asset Portal applications. Using these applications, you can maintain an up-to-date inventory of your company's equipment. For example, you can define a projector as a fixed resource for a room arrangement and associate the projector with an Equipment Code to indicate that the projector is part of your equipment inventory.

Space Management

Many Reservations application users may opt to use the Space Management applications to develop their space inventory. (This integration is not required, because the basic space inventory data can be developed within the Reservations application.) With the Space Management applications, you can create a detailed space inventory that includes floor plan drawings. You can accomplish tasks such as charging for space, managing your personnel inventory, and tracking building performance.

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