Sustainability & Risk / Compliance

How the Applications Updates Status for Events Linked to Maintenance Work

When you link your compliance requirements and events to maintenance work, the system updates the status of the events to match the status of the work. This update occurs for ad hoc work requests added for events, and for work requests generated for preventive maintenance (PM) procedures linked to requirements. This provides you, as the Compliance Manager, with direct access to current information about the progress of the work.

The following describes the logic the system uses to update events for each of these types of maintenance work.

Updating the status of the events linked to work requests

When you add a work request for an event, the system creates a service request for the work request you create. The system automatically updates event status based on the service request status.

This enables you to automatically track the status of on demand work requests linked to compliance events.

Updating the status for events linked to PM procedures

Preventive maintenance (PM) procedures have a schedule assigned, so that the preventive maintenance work is automatically generated based on the schedule. When you assign a PM procedure to a requirement, the PM schedule is also linked. A workflow rule, updateEventStatusFromPM, checks on the status of all PM schedules linked to active events, and updates event status based on the status of the event's associated PM schedules. You can control whether or not this workflow rule runs by setting the Auto-Update Event Status? option on the Compliance Program Manager / Manage Compliance Requirements task / Define Requirement tab / Assign PM Procedures to Compliance Requirement form. See Assigning Preventive Maintenance Procedures to Requirements.

The following describes the logic the workflow rule uses to make the updates:

For each Compliance event (Action Type = ‘COMPLIANCE – EVENT’) in the Action Items (activity_log) table, the workflow rule does the following: