Space Planning & Management / Personnel & Occupancy / Manager
Asset Management / Asset Management / Business Process Owner - Asset Manager
Asset Management / Enterprise Asset Management / Business Process Owner - Asset Manager
Asset Management / Telecom Asset Management / Business Process Owner - Facilities Manager

Define Team Property Categories

You can manage your teams by defining categories for them using the Define Team Property Categories task. Having categories enables you to distinguish the different teams that are often involved in supporting an asset (from the Asset Management domain's applications.) For example, you might have a Maintenance team that supports the on demand and preventive maintenance work for an asset, or a Move Management team that supports the moves for an asset.

When working from the Personnel & Occupancy application, team categories are useful for sorting and standardizing teams. For example, you could develop categories or teams that serve a related function or teams that support the same project.

Procedure: Defining team categories

To define team categories:

  1. Access the Define Team Property Categories task.

    The Team Categories list presents a list of the categories that have already been defined.

  2. Click The Plus sign at the top of the list.
  3. In the Team Category pane, enter the Team Category which is the unique identifier for the category.
  4. Optionally, enter a Team Category Description that further describes this category.
  5. Click Save.

    These categories are now available to associate with teams when you define them.

Next step

The next step is to define the teams.

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