group move project

A group move project is the organizational vehicle for an overall group move -- a collection of one or more move orders. A group move project contains as many move orders as there are items that are moving; that is to say, one move order captures the details of one item to move and these move orders are grouped into a group move project. Group move projects are stored in the Activity Projects (projects) table.

When you request a group move, you automatically create a group move project for the move. The link is mo.project_id = project.project_id.

Group move projects can be created in the Moves, Enterprise Assets, and Space Planning applications, and can be managed in the Projects application. Group move projects, projects, and portfolio scenarios are linked when the Project Name (project.project_name) for the proposed project or group move project matches the Portfolio Scenario Name field (portfolio_scenario.scn_name) or Space Requirement Name (sb.sb_name).

Group move projects generated from the move features of the Space cloud module cannot be linked in the above manner as Enterprise Assets and Space Planning are not supported in Archibus Cloud modules.

Group move projects of employees or teams can contain move scenarios.