Environmental & Risk Management / Compliance Management / Compliance Program Manager

Reviewing Work History

Compliance Program Managers can review all past, current, and future preventive maintenance schedules, service requests, work requests, and work orders for a selected event using the Work History tab from any of the following tasks:

Tip: To review work history at the program level, and to review details for PM procedures, see the Compliance Work History report.

Procedure: Reviewing work history for an event

To review work history for a selected event:

  1. Working from any of the views in the list above, you select an event on the Select Event tab. If needed, use the Filter to locate the event.
  2. Click Select in the row for the event.

    The Define Event tab appears.

  3. Select the Work History tab.

    The Work History's Work Requests sub-tab appears. From here you can navigate to the Service Requests and PM Schedules tabs.

  4. Use these tabs to:

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