If your organization has a license for the Enterprise Asset Management or the Advanced Portfolio Forecasting applications, you can link a portfolio scenario to a proposed project.
Once the project is linked to the portfolio scenario, the program will assign any tasks or markups you add for the scenario directly to the linked project.
If a project is linked to a scenario that has space requirements, these requirements will be available in the Project Proposal Console; likewise, space requirements created in the Project Proposal Console are available to the Space & Portfolio Planning Console. With linking, you can share and update the data from the Space & Portfolio Planning Console and Project Proposal Console. You can create the project, portfolio scenario, and space requirements in any order.
Projects and portfolio scenarios are linked when the Project Name (project.project_name
) for the proposed project matches the Portfolio Scenario Name field (portfolio_scenario.scn_name
) or Space Requirements Name (sb.sb_name
To link a project, portfolio scenario, space requirements, and/or asset requirements, planners must give them the same name.
If you are creating a new scenario and the project already exists, you can click the ellipses button on Portfolio Scenario Name. This presents the Select Value - Link to Project form, from which you can select an existing project. Selecting the project in this manner ensures that the Portfolio Scenario Name is the same as the Project Name. Be sure to select a project that has the Status of Requested or Proposed from the Select Value list.
If you are creating a project and the portfolio scenario or space requirements already exists, you can name the project with this same name and the system makes the link when you save the project. That is, the link is made if the Portfolio Name equals the Portfolio Scenario Name or Space Requirement Name. If you create the project and later realize that you want to link it to a portfolio scenario or space requirement, you can edit the Project Name to be the same as the Portfolio Scenario Name or Space Requirements Name.
To link a space requirement with an existing project, type the name of the project in the Requirements Name field of the Create Space Requirement form (accessed from the Define Space Requirement task).
Note: If you are not using projects and functional groups, there is no additional functionality if you name the portfolio scenario and the space requirement to be the same name.
Note: If you create a portfolio scenario at the functional group level, and you choose to link it to a project that already has space requirement items, then these existing space requirement items will be linked to the new scenario; the system will not create a new linked space requirement for the scenario.
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