When working with a portfolio scenario at the functional group level, you follow a slightly different procedure for bringing in your space requirements than is outlined in Add Space Requirements and Forecast Space Requirements to a Portfolio Scenario.
Because the Space & Portfolio Planning Console includes the Space Requirements tab, it is not necessary to work with the Define Space Requirements task. You can do all your work from the Space & Portfolio Planning Console, as outlined in Method 1.
Note: When using the Define Space Requirements task to define space requirements at the functional group level, you can develop a forecast space requirement and estimate the amount of space each functional group will require over different forecast periods. You can then view this information in the Space Requirements chart. However, if you next define a portfolio scenario with the same name so that the forecast space requirement and portfolio scenario are linked (as described in the above procedure), you cannot work with the various forecast periods on the stack plans. You will be limited to working with just Period 1.
See also:
Working with Scenarios and Requirements for Functional Groups
Example: Join Together Different Departments as a Functional Group
Example: Join Together Different Staff as a Functional Group
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