Assigning Questionnaires to Field Inspectors

Extended questionnaires are linked to the users who will complete the questionnaires through events. Follow this process to assign questionnaires to the field inspectors who will complete them.

  1. Define the questionnaire using the Define Compliance Questionnaire task.
  2. Assign questionnaires to the contract terms and requirements using the Manage Compliance Requirements task or the Manage Contract Drill-down task. Be sure to complete Responsible Person field with the party who will perform the inspection.
  3. Create an event for the program requirement or contract term.
  4. Generate events for the program requirement or contract term using the Save and Generate Events button, shown above.
  5. If the survey manager finds that they need to re-assign survey events, they can do so using the Compliance Program Manager / Manage All Compliance Events task. For example, if a field inspector cannot complete the survey on time and needs someone to take over, the survey manager can assign someone else to this event by using this task to edit the Responsible Person task. When the mobile user syncs or the Web Central user signs in, they will now see this survey in their queue.
  6. The Responsible Person, for example Chris Finers in the above image, will now have the event and questionnaire assigned to them.
  7. The inspector (the party designated as the Responsible Person) goes to the field and uses the questionnaire to inspect the items.
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